A Precious Window of Time


A Precious Window of Time


A manual for teaching & nurturing middle school girls

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A manual for teaching & nurturing middle school girls

by Howard Hanger and Dr. Vicki Garlock

As the Founder of Hanger Hall School (a middle school for girls), Howard Hanger has talked with hundreds of middle-school girls' parents and teachers and has learned abundantly of their concerns.  So, teaming up with Dr. Vicki Garlock, a college professor in Cognitive Development, Howard is writing a book titled, A Precious Window of Time - A Manual for Teaching and Nurturing Middle School Girls.

Written for parents and teachers of middle school girls, A Precious Window of Time describes (in three chapters) the necessary development (social, mental, cognitive, physical) which must take place during pubescence, if a young, emerging woman is to have a sense of her self and a confidence to be just who she is. The book then follows up with seven chapters offering specific guidelines which enable a middle school girl to grow and develop in healthy, positive way.

Ask almost any adult about their middle school experience; and they will likely tell you a horror story.  At the very least, they may say, "Those are some of the most difficult years that any of us have." Talk to the parent of a 5th grader who is about to enter middle school, and you will hear stories of anxiety and concern. Middle school is daunting.  Particularly for girls. 

It is during this critical time, ages 10-15, - this precious window of time - that the middle-school girl is expanding and developing in absolutely every way: cognitively, socially, mentally, physically.  It is during these irreplaceable years that she has the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop and become everything she is made to be.  Every possibility, every talent and gift dancing in her chromosomes has the chance during this time to begin its journey.  The chance to define the uniqueness of this emerging young woman. During these decisive years, that middle-school girl has the extraordinary chance to discover for herself who she is and what she might become as an adult in this world.