The last will be first and the first will be last. - Jesus
"Life is not fair," wrote Bill Gates. "Get used to it."
Yeah, yeah, easy for you to say, Mr. Billionaire Bill. Unfairness might not feel so bad with more money in the bank than you can spend. "Money may not buy happiness," we might respond, "but it helps you look for it more comfortably in a convertible."
Not to pick on Mr. Gates, one of the most generous philanthropists around, but life hardly ever seems fair. Seven year-old little girls die of cancer through no fault of their own. Talented and well-educated people lose their jobs simply because their company needs to downsize. Marriages and relationships fall apart when a hotter hottie shows up. Hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires destroy homes of folks with no insurance.
When you look at the big picture, however...
- when you realize, as you eat your ice cream that most humans in this world will go bed hungry tonight.
- And tomorrow night.
- And every night.
- When you remember that you have been loved over and over in your life...
- When you recognize that you live in city without daily car bombs, snipers and mass killings...
- When you go to sleep in a bed. With sheets. And a hot shower in the morning.. ....... then you might agree with Oscar Wilde when he wrote, "Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not."
Howard is excited and ready to celebrate 3 biggies this week: Equinox (23rd), Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (27th) & Yom Kippur (Sundown, 23rd). For Howard, each of these events is a reminder of what an astounding universe this is, filled with cosmic wonders and even the possibility of forgiveness. He encourages you to celebrate with him and to lift a glass to the earth, sun, moon and forgiveness.